Mit Idolator Sind Wir Glüchlich
Props, kudos, and huzzah Idolator, who chimes in for the International Pony love with a long-overdue installment of "Please Release Me", advocating for a domestic release (plus MP3s of the awesome "Gothic Girl" and the even awesomer "Solid Gold (The Lost Version)." Sony Gemany, are you listening? Wir wünschen unser Pony!
My struggle with Bmore lead my to wikipedia. I blame hollertronix and diplo. They did some interesting things with it that lead to a lot of other people doing not so interesting things with it.
Posted by: Justin Baum
January 15, 2007 02:12 AM
crap. I commented on the wrong post.
Posted by: Justin Baum
January 15, 2007 02:13 AM