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And we're off, for a much-needed three weeks in Chile and Argentina. Enjoy the new Pitchfork installment, check out my thoughts on Underworld (really?) and PC users, don't forget to check my other blog, the Dance/Electronic Informer over at URGE. When I'm back I'll try to follow up on that year-end list, maybe post a 2006 best-of mix or two, and finally get some interview Q&As up on the site. Til then, see you at MUTEK Buenos Aires.


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Philip, your writing is by far the most enlightening stuff to appear on Pitchfork.

You amaze me.

I love it.

Much thanks, and keep up the good work.


Thanks for all your writings, inspiration and recommendations this year. Hope you get out of the basement and onto the ground floor soon. Cheers, loueh.

Philip, congratulations on your columns at pitchfork. i like them a lot
i'm also planning to go to the MUTEK since i live in Bs As =)

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