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The good news

... is that I have heard part two and it is, like, way better than part one. The bad news is that I cannot for the life of me upload the MP3 file to my iDisk, owing to some sort of advanced technical hoo-ha. Please stay tuned, and for the time being, listen to something really good, like the new Knife album.

Speaking of advanced technical hoo-ha: if anyone knows a good reason why an MP3 file edited in a typical audio editor (Amadeus, in this case) and then re-saved as an MP3 (and/or imported into iTunes and converted back to MP3) should provoke an error when being uploaded to my iDisk (something about "this file can't be copied because it contains information of a different format..."), do let me know.


have you heard 'Anima' off of the new Alex Smoke album?

You said the Ghost of Cyndi Lauper in your latest article, Cyndi Lauper isn't dead,
I just saw her at Coda in NYC on Monday,
and she was great!!! she's definitely one of the best singers ever.

As usually, you're totally on spot on The Knife, but something needs to be cleared out: the b-side of Cylob's 2001 single Cut the midrange drop the bass, "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" has to be, by definition, the wold's first "electro sea shanty" :)

Well, it's trad. of course, and more or less unbearable, unfortunately.

Anyway, on the particular Knife song, my initial association, rather than a sea shanty, was echoes of blues, namely John Lee Hooker's famous refrain.

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