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Los top 40

Gustavo Lamas, un artista argentino con discos por Traum, Fragil, Onitor, y ahora el sello nacional Casa del Puente, presenta su lista de los top 40 discos del 2004... haz clic aquí a ver algunas sorpresas desde un maestro del minimalismo del cono sur. (And keep an eye out for Casa del Puente's forthcoming site, promising audio and video from their artists, who include Cecilia Amenábar, Flavio Etcheto, Audioperú, the sublime Leandro Fresco, and more.)


Excellent spanish!
You should check Estupendo. I prefer the vocal tracks, but i think you'll like the (very abstract) instrumentals as well. And Adicta, who is Rudy Martinez from Audioperu, but with soulful vocals by Toto. If you see the cover of their last record, you'll get the idea. Miranda! is in the very same vein. I'm sure that you can find all these on Soulseek.

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