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Lean, boy

Track of the week? Le Dust Sucker's "Mean Boy," off his new, self-titled album on Plong!. Sucker (dude and track) starts off with clap-happy percussion heavy on the two and four, an acid line that could scrub drains, and a bass line that sounds like the gunk that'd dribble out -- in other words, right in line with the current electro-house axis of Blackstrobe, Tiefschwarz, Chicken Lips et al. But then the strangest thing happens: horns -- heavenly, angels-harbinging-paradise kind of horns -- blare forth, and a male vocal sample sings, in a wavering perfect fifth, what sounds like "Money gets you lean boy, money gets you lover boy" -- which I'm sure isn't quite it, but that's what I hear, so that's good enough for me. Then a garish female chorus of "Oh, how I cry!" and the whole thing swells like the glass skin of an office building right before it explodes, as in the slow-mo erotic detail of a Bruckheimer or a Matrix. But it never blows up; it just bends, and bends, and bends.


very nice describtion of that track!!!
my favorite track on that album.

as far as i know, le dust sucker are two
guys from berlin.

Argh I want to hear this!

It actually kind of reminds me of early Underworld.
Insistant and distorted.

Found this via google. This track is just disgusting. When's this gonna come out on cd!

it may be also
"patti's just a lean boy, patti's just a loverboy"
my favorite is old shirt for sure

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