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How they find us, we don't know

Reader mail just keeps getting better and better. I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, but anything that begins with a bottle found at Joshua Tree -- a bottle containing a scroll signed by Elvis Presley -- is enough to catch my eye. Interestingly, this is probably the first anti-racist conspiracy theory I've ever heard of, though I doubt Chuck D will subscribe to the theories herein. (Bonus factoid: did my mystery correspondant know that my birthday actually coincides with one of the key dates in the chronology?)

From: [expunged]@aol.com
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 21:55:49 EDT
To: psherburne@mindspring.com
Subject: Elvis Conspiracy

You may be interested in a very unique website (www.elvis-conspiracy.com ), according to which the Beatles and Rolling Stones were involved in a conspiracy which was exposed and foiled by a secret society associated with Elvis Presley. Mention is also made of U2, Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, Don McLean, and Rush.


Elvis works for me! He cleans my car and does the washing - all the time, dressed in a pretty short skirt and nylons!

If your into Elvis conspiracy- go to www.invispress.com and check out great book just released called, Chasing Elvis.

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