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Department of Bad Timing


From a press release today:

"Now that we're kicking into some warmer weather, I thought I'd share this really fun new project I'm working with - Operation Aloha. Here's the story: 14 musicians (including members of Maroon 5, Gomez, Phantom Planet, and more) took a month away from their full schedules and flew to a Maui, Hawaii to live in a tree house compound. Their time was spent composing a record that totally captures the tranquility and free spirit of beautiful Hawaii -- it will make you wish you were laying on a hammock in sunny Maui too. The songs bring out a new side of these talented musicians - cleverly tying together blues rock with the classic sound of Hawaiian folk music. The self-titled debut will hit stores on May 12th."

Because nothing feels better in a recession than listening to a bunch of self-satisfied LA multi-taskers performing the musical equivalent of Lost fan fiction -- from a tree-house. (Will there be a Julia Butterfly Hill guest verse?)


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