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Purple Wow Sound


Joker. What a name. I hate clowns, have never been much of a Batman fan, and find "Trickster" theorizing stale. But damned if the alias doesn't fit the 19-year-old Bristolian perfectly. Channeling Prince and old Death Row in equal measure as dubstep and dub proper, Joker makes pretty much the freakiest dance music on the planet right now. His synths are as garish as an explosion in a sequin factory; his beats swing so precariously one suspects that a harness (or perhaps a two-week detox) might be in order. For a concise (and free) introduction to his impish, irresistible sound, try the Purple Wow Sound Mix, recently posted at Fact Magazine (scroll to bottom of post for the link). (A tracklisting posted here may or may not bear some resemblance to the actual selection.) This isn't wonky, it's FONKY.


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'Digidesign' is incredible.

I'm Still trying to figure out what this mix has to do with Prince or Dr. Dre. All I can say is yawnnnnnnnnn.

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