Mayday, mayday
Just in time for my monthly Pitchfork visitation, here's a new chart for you: the top 10 singles I'm feeling and playing at the moment. It was harder than usual to put together this month, not for a lack of records but rather a total surfeit. Epics, anthems, and massive choons are coming at us left and right; on top of that my listening (and DJing) seems to be more varied at the moment than it's been in a long while, lending what might seem a vaguely schizophonic quality to the list below. In any case, click through the links for samples and further info.
May 2007 Top 10
Mr. G., "U Askin'" (REKIDS)
Radio Slave, "Screaming Hands (Wink Interpretation)" (REKIDS)
Crowdpleaser & St. Plomb, "1, 2, 3 (Quenum Remix)" (Mental Groove Ltd.)
Lee Curtis, Taint EP (Dumb Unit)
Len Faki, "My Black Sheep" (Lenseries)
Lontano, "Low Scapes" (Factor City)
Greg Oreck, "The Line" (Moodmusic)
Minilogue, "Urubamba" (WIR)
Tomboy, "Flamingo (Tomboy Remix)" (Gomma)
DJ Koze, "All the Time" (Philpot)
The Daniel Wang piece linked from your Pitchfork feature is really great and such a wonderfully composed description of the Berghain experience. Thanks for the sharing the link!
I spoke briefly with Nick Höppner when himself and Lee Jones came to Dublin earlier this year to tour Songs For The Gentle and was pleased to hear that he doesn't see much threat to Berghain due to the strengthening property market in Berlin. There were six months between my last two visits there and even in that time there had been some large retail developments around the Ostbahnhof area. Did you touch on this topic at all with the club owner you were chatting with?
Posted by: Cahony
May 12, 2007 10:49 PM