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91 Years Too Late


For those interested, post-mortems from Hitchens (who, yeah, is almost intolerable on Iraq, but at least he got it right with Pinochet, early and often) and Marc Cooper, whose Pinochet and Me: A Chilean Anti-Memoir is well worth a read for anyone interested in the United States' complicity in Pinochet's coup.

We didn't make it down to Plaza Italia until after nightfall; the cops had apparently already dispersed all who had gathered there, though the scent of tear gas lingered, debris littered intersections and the odd fire still burned on street corners. All night long, helicopters cruised overhead, strafing the neighborhood with searchlights. Today, the death mask adorns front pages; otherwise business feels very much as usual.


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hi...going from page to page i found yours, and i read this new. pinochet is dead, finally!

so, if you are in Santiago on friday 22, the nomucho crew will drop a cool party, and cabanne is one of the guests. you can hear also some of the artist of this chilean netlabel, like jefferson family and fantasna.

hope u can see the show.

forgot to tell u the place:

Quinto Sol. General Flores 83. Providencia.

cost: 3 lukas

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