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Summer is sprung


Greetings from Planet MUTEK. I won't be posting much for a few days (like that's anything new), but in the meantime, tide yourself over with a new mix thrown together while I waited for the taxi on Saturday. 68 minutes of electro-house, microhouse, macrohouse, and a little bit of disco for good measure: it's called Geminimix, and you can download it here.

(Let me know if there are problems with it... I can't get the page to display properly for me, but others tell me it works. Damn Mac Homepage...)


too bad I can make it to MUTEK this year. my first miss since 2001. *sniff* Enjoy though!!!

cant get enough snoop acid booty! :)

see you soon in montreal.

hmm won't work for me for some reason! nothing happens when I click on the download part.

try again, it's working for me.... are you on a PC?

great mix, philip. is there a track listing for it?

Are you covering MUTEK for Pitchfork likewise? If so, it'd be cool if you could tell the "real story" about the fest, so PFM can sell the rights to Fox for a TV movie. I need the extra Moo-lala.

I've been kinda down about not being able to attend this year ... I've been avoiding your blog so that I don't think about what I'm missing :)

I hope you're having a wicked time (the finale is happening as I type this!).

Dear Philip,

You make our day with sound and music collage. Thank you.

Your truly,
Charles Fat

That bad boy came through at 600+ k/second. Great selection Phillip

What, no Mutek review yet ? still sleeping ? recovering ?


hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, it was exceptionally good this year.

just landed in SF and posted the review in pitchfork.... more soon.

This afternoon a DJ saved my life

Hi Philip, just read your review on Slum Dunk presents Funk Carioca on Wire. If it is not a mix what is it then?? Did you really hear it? fragments of electronic salsa?? sorry ... maybe you had too much Campari in Miami. And just for the record this compilation was released last year (almost one year ago). Funk Carioca has been around England for more than 3 years where there's a radio show on Resonance Fm called Slum (with U) Dunk. Stop being so patronising & anglocentric in relation to the style and the artists... We, the savages, have been around for while... when quoting my friend Deise Tigrona, do it properly as well. It'd would be more honest of you to mention that MIA and Diplo sampled the processed horns from her track which is in this compilation.

Do you wanna show to people that you know the style or do you really want to talk about Funk Carioca?

Keep an eye cos The Savages might not have first world passports but they do know how to make good macumba.
And speak the language!

The Savages from Slum Dunk crew

where can i find a tracklist for the gemini mix? thanks

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