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Sneak peek: MUTEK

While you're booking those plane tickets for Barcelona, don't forget to make your reservations for the MUTEK festival in Montreal, June 1-5. The full lineup has yet to be revealed, but the preview I finegled when hacking into director Alain Mongeau's Blackberry — I was just looking for Ricardo Villalobos' phone number, I swear — is enticing enough as it is. Just a few of the highlights:

John Duncan
Günter Müller
Klimek + Tim Hecker
Bruno Pronsato
Pan/Tone aka Sid LeRock
Mathew Jonson
Soul Phiction
Melchior Productions

"Autre artiste à confirmer," as they say, so check MUTEK's site in the next week or so for a proper announcement. But the taster alone has me smackin' my lips, and that's not to say anything of the unconfirmed acts. See you north of the border!


Klimek + Tim Hecker! Holy shit!

After missing last year, I hope to resume regular attendance this year ...

yeah, that's what i said. i skipped last year because nobody looked interesting, but i missed going after all, so i remembered to put in for vacation this year for it after all. i actually decided not to go this week, to save money for a trip to japan later on this year, but then...biosphere?! fuck. i might just go up that weekend.

This line-up looks very tasty indeed. It definitely looks to be awesome.

I got the MUTEK email containing the complete (?) lineup ... for those who haven't seen it (and at the risk of spamming Philip's comments box), here it is:

Akumu _ Canada
Andres Bucci _ Chile
Apparat _ Germany
Bas van Koolwijk _ Netherlands
Biosphere and Egbert Mittelstädt _ Norway/Germany
Bruno Pronsato _ U.S.A.
Diane Labrosse _ Canada
Discom _ France
Emisor _ Argentina
Galoppierende Zuversicht _ Switzerland
Günter Müller _ Switzerland
John Duncan _ U.S.A.
Kapital Band 1 _ Austria/Germany
Klimer + Tim Hecker _ Germany/Canada
Luci _ Canada
Marcus Schmickler _ Germany
Martux_M _ Italy
Mathew Jonson - Canada
Melchior Productions _ United Kingdom
Mendoza _ Mexico
Monolake _ Germany
Nanalog _ Canada
Nego Mocambique _ Brazil
Pablo Reche _ Argentina
Pan/Tone (aka Sid LeRock) _ Canada
Pheek + Off the Sky _ Canada/U.S.A.
Pommasl _ Austria
Radian _ Austria
Sense Club (Ricardo Villalobos + Luciano) _ Chile/Germany/Switzerland
Si-Cut.DB _ United Kingdom
Serafin _ Switzerland
Skipsapiens _ Chile
Soul Phiction _ Germany
Stephen Beaupre _ Canada
Vertex _ Canada

This will be my 3rd year attending Mutek. Once again a stellar line up.

If you're a fan of Mutek be sure and check out Decibel this year (www.dbfestival.com). We'll be booking Biosphere, Thomas Fehlmann, Fennesz, Modeselector, Deadbeat and about 90 other acts that should appeal to the Mutek community. The complete line up will be posted on the website in August. The festival takes place in Seattle Sept 22-25.

I would love to talk btw.

Sean Horton
Decibel Festival Director
8816 10th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98106

cell: 206.313.4627
wk: 425.629.2748

It's not the complete one but you'll see it soon once the new website is online and you can book your tickets

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