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Is that a hedgehog on your breast, or are you just happy to see me?

Consider this a public service announcement for those geeks who, like me, never seem to be able to find the microhouse t-shirts of their dreams. All of you who are above such matters -- which, I trust, is most of you -- quit reading now. A trip to FluxBlog would make a good alternative; there, you can download the new Mocky single, which will hopefully drown out your sniggering about Philip's microstyle.


Right, with the haters and sartorially insensitive sniggerers gone, I'm pleased to note that Kompakt's online shop has a few remaining Musik Krause t-shirts available, size large only ("definitely large," according to Kompakt). Anyone who has heard the new Robag Wruhme single "Wuzzlebud 'KK'" or the forthcoming album of the same title knows that this is a crucial purchase indeed for all those who wear their predilection for crackly kinetic microfunk on their sleeves.

Hopefully this little tip will count as my karmic contribution towards eventually procuring myself a Perlon t-shirt. Until then, I pine.


I'm still trying to find a playhouse - motorhead shirt. :)

Yup, Always on the hunt for a quality shirt showcasing one of my favorite labels. Makes me feel like I know what I'm talking about when it comes to music.

Any tips how a joe canadian could get his hands on one of those motorehead shirts?

I have a line on some good Itiswhatitis records shirts if you are interested?

I know that the Playhouse section of the Neuton distribution site has plenty of T-Shirts, as well as perlon. Not sure about motorhead though. When I want to wear a label shirt, I paint it myself in true art punk fashion ;)

I'm glad that you liked the Mocky single - no one has been responding, so I've been assuming that everyone either hated it, or was bored by it.

I thought the Mocky track was pretty funky, I liked it! (Even if I rarely ever set my ears on hip hop ish stuff)...I was also impressed by the new Whitey track very much!

hey philip, did you get your musik krause t-shirt yet? i can confirm that they are indeed large - they are too long actually (unless you are quite tall). i'll still wear it anyway.

you can find perlon shirts @ hardwax.com

trying to find shirts from my favorite techno/house labels that are made for women is hard :( they tend to all be guy's L & XL's. sucky!

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