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Lies, lies, lies

Forgot to mention a bit of self-promotional news: I'm happy to announce that I've finally been published in Slate. For any who missed it, two weeks back, it's a piece on Liars' new album (which I quite like, in contrast to most critics) and the critical beatdown it received from the likes of Spin and Rolling Stone. It lost a little of its nuance in the shortening for publication, but I'm happy with it, and rather pleased that for once I've staked out a contentious position. (It's tiring being so damned agreeable all the time.) Anyway, you can read it and call me names here.


Good to have you posting again. I probably would have forgotten all about my blog completly after going to Cologne though. Nice one!

PS I just recently bought Larry Levan live at Paradise Garage from 79 I think, which is great I think. Is there something similar from a slightly later period? I was hoping for some ESG type stuff mixed in with the disco. Any ideas?

""There's Always Room on the Broom," a grinding spiral of ring-modulated organ and falsetto wail, is a pop song for a planet of intolerable gravity; it may be what the Clipse's "Grindin' " sounds like on Jupiter."

Yes! That's what I wanted to say, I'm just not smart enough.

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