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Papi chulo

Last time I ran photos of Luciano, no fewer than three women emailed me asking, "Who is Luciano? He's so handsome!" (One of these women was my mother. Dad, do you know about Mom's cyber-stalking?) I figured that a photo of Luciano and his son ought to be irresistible, so take this as a shameless attempt to boost my blog's popularity with the straight female readership out there. More boring genre dissections are soon to follow, so don't give up on me, o saintly geeks and pedants who, like me, care about the intricacies of open hi-hats and the etymology of the term "8-bar." All three of you.


I care about the etymology of 8-bar AND Luciano's fine self, FYI.
I am also wondering about Luciano's earring.

That earing rocks :) As does the tatoo on his hand. Put simply, all around, Luciano (Lucian Nicolet) is a bloody wicked person and producer :)

selam ...

hello from turkey.I'm unıversity studen .I'm in web and than I saw you .I saıd that I want to mail good bye !!

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