May 19, 2004

If it's got a Southern name and Caramanica doesn't like it, you know it's bad

Why didn't anyone tell me that Jon Caramanica has a dadburned blog? About time, say I. Especially gratifying that today's entry is an evisceration of Black Eyed Peas. (Ok, ok, fish-in-a-barrel targets for sure, but fun shootin' nonetheless.) I wish Caramanica had been around the other night when I saw the BEPs performing on Letterman. It was late and I was more faded than Kid's (of Play, Kid and) coif, but damned if that wasn't one of the more surreal things I've seen in a long while -- their boisterousness was so over the top (including an unfortuante moment of intraband moshing), their choreography so theatrically "hard," that it would have been better suited for a Brazilian children's program, preferably the kind where the hostess would have pulled each of them aside, one by one, and given them the spanking they all deserve.

Posted by philip at May 19, 2004 01:33 PM
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