January 11, 2004


I've been up for approximately 36 hours, some 28 of which were occupied with more or less nonstop festival. MUTEK.CL ended with a beach party in which Ricardo Villalobos and Dandy Jack played live laptop techno in shifts accompanied by DJs Sonja and Vince Lemieux on the decks. The party wrapped up at 7 p.m. tonight with Villalobos playing his own remix of the Chilean folk singer Violeta Parra, a spooky lament swooping through modal changes strangely reminiscent of Georgian folk music. Immediately after he played a 1974 song from Los Jaivas while one or two hundred spent dancers wound down and passers-by gawked, seemingly unable to reconcile the rave-like scene with the unexpected history lesson. Dandy Jack followed with another Los Jaivas song and wrapped up with Seņor Coconut's Latinized version of Krafterk's "Autobahn," a fitting close to a weekend of Chilean electronic music.

The photo of Deadbeat (left) and Mike Shannon was taken a good 12 hours ago, at the close of the nighttime segment of the festival, which had been going for close to 24 hours at that point. Just look at Deadbeat's eyes. That's about how it felt then. Right now, we all have marbles for eyes.

Posted by philip at January 11, 2004 07:35 PM

....and you get paid to do this stuff?!!?!?

Whata guy.

Did deadbeat play any of the crackhaus stuff?

Posted by: hector at January 12, 2004 02:35 PM
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